Sh'ti Mer - Orgasmic Living!

Life Mastery Initiation for Whole Self Liberation

counselor to the Called
revealer of Radiance
slayer of Suffering
molder of Mastery
midwife for Magnificence
Ecstatic, Deep Devotion and High Activation Life Mastery Mentor

I show the victimized how to re•create themselves as Leaders, and Leaders how to live as Masters.

I iz the Harriet Tubman of Bliss Revelation
the Fannie Lou Hammer of Undefeatable Love
and the Assata Shakur of Revolutionary Sovereignty 

I iz a surrendering instrument of Orgasmic Divinity,
showing leaders everywhere how to set themselves free

I  IZ  Nut Tmu-Ankh Butterfly Dreaming SaNut

Afrakan wombn, mother, Nubian-Khamite priest, master revealer, Bliss warrior and life mastery mentor.

For over 29 years, it’s been my Blessing to guide devoted Leaders and Lovers into their own expressions of Orgasmic Life Mastery. We may have met before on one of many radio or podcast shows, or in the DVD Magdalene Unveiled: the Ancient & Modern Sacred Prostitute, by Kenneth Ray Stubbs, or in the book Reclaiming Eros: Sacred Whores and Healers, by Suzanne Blackburn and Margaret Wade.

Before I became a priest and spiritual mentor, I was a wombn desperately trying, but ever-failing, to hide and run away from the multiple traumas of childhood abuse, addiction, rape and chronic dis-ease. I suffered from CPTSD for decades before I learned there was a name for my pain. I believed my brokenness came from being “just weak-minded”. I spent every day encased in a cloud of pain that, at a time of life when most are planning for their future, had me waiting to die instead. Bliss was an alien concept, hell, I didn't even know how to smile.

So, how did I go from being a timid, life phobic, self-loather to become the Divinely Intelligent, Vulvically Awakened, Orgasmic Liberation Warrior I IZ today?

I decided that I was more afraid of existing in the continued joyless captivity of pain, than I was of whatever I might find on the unknown other side of it. I sought and surrendered to the guidance of my spiritual mentor, Sen Ur Heru Ankh Ra Semahj Se Ptah. My Baba along with elders Mut Neferieth Amenetchi, Sen’t Ur’t Kaitha Het-Heru, Lady Prema, Puma Cat Dancing and Lester Loving; introduced me to the ancient Nubian-Khamite, whole self healing power and alkhamy of Initiation. Through it I received the miracle of a Divine transfiguration that healed my wounds, gave me back my smile and restored my memory of my true identity in/as Bliss!

Witnessing and INsperiencing the unmatched Whole Self Liberating power of this masterfully held sacred container for healing first hand iz why I've made Liberation through Orgasmic Alkhamy, the exclusive focus of my professional life as a spiritual teacher, life mastery mentor and Abu’t Arit of Kra Mut Ankh ~ Temple of the Mother of Life

Nuk Pu, Nuk Khu, Ami Khu,
Kemam Kheperu -m- Ntr't Haiu

I IZ a Shining Being, Dwelling in Light
Made from the limbs of Divine

Excerpt from the DVD Magdalene Unveiled


The Sexual Shaman Podcast with Kenneth Ray Stubbs

Sacred & Sensual
with Joy KMT & Dominique Moon

Because I Love You

When you engage me as an initiate or student, you get my full and unblinking devotion
to the Magnificent, Limitless, Living Embodiment of Divine, Truth of YOU.

Knowing only this singular Truth, this devotion iz unmoved by appearances,
circumstances or any other imaginary boogeymonsters.

Because I Love You

I will relentlessly require that you surrender your “I can't”,  It’s impossible”, I don’t know how,“
I don't feel ready" and “"But I already tried that"” victim stories
to the Orgasmic cauldron of your Soul’s Desire.

And I will entice you to laugh with me as we witness the sweet alkhamy of their burning.

Because I Love You

You will be asked to do the scariest most awesome thing you’ve ever done,
again and again, day after day, week after week, non-stop.
For real, and for keeps cuz that’s what miracles are made of, and You are a real creator of miracles.

Because I Love You

I refuse to accept, listen to or in any way be available to anything less than
your Infinite Power to reveal, serve from and demonstrate undeniable
mastery in the highest and best gifts of your Soul.

I only see You whole, as a perfectly unique sacred professional/Lover
and a leader with an awesome life and mission our world iz hungry for You to fulfill.

Because I Love You

I offer no fixes, tricks or improvements, for these only invest you further in the cult of brokenness.
I give only Adoration, Appreciation and Activation of the real deal Truth of your innate mastery.

If you ain’t ALL IN for your Orgasmic Whole Self Liberation,
don’t step to this.

Cuz once you do I’m gonna go on Loving and trusting in the Infinite Magnificence of YOU,
come hell and/or high water,
and there ain’t nothing you can do about it.


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